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Day 3 - Downtown

Today's plan was went to downtown,
I might called this trip "City Hall-Esplanade" which refered to the MRT stations in which I started and ended today's journey.

I took off at around 10 o'clock in the morning.
My first plan of the day was to visit St.Andrew's cathedral which located near the City Hall station. But as I came out the station, I was very confused of which way to go. I was freaked out for a while before I figured out that I stood in front of the place all along.

As I walked inside, the first thing that caught my eyes were the Gothic architectures.
They were very beautiful and I had never seen anything like these before. There are only a few people inside. Some of them were praying, but some just sat there looked straight at Jesus's cross.

I also noticed that Bibles in this cathedral weren't only printed in English version but also in Chinese too. I then took some photos and left for the next stop.

I kept walking until I found Perliament street. I crossed the road and checked my location through the google map. During all that confusion, there is someone walking straight to me and asked me 

"May I help you?"

He's a security guard of the Parliament house that I was standing in front of. He invited me to visit the place, I accepted his invitation and went inside.

The Parliament house is a musuem of Singapore government. There was an exhibition inside, explained about the government's history. After exploring enough of the Parliament house, I then walked to the right side of the building which was my next destination. It was the old Parliament art house but it had turned to the Art house. 

When I went inside the Art house, Someone came and asked me again.

"May I help you?" 
(I don't know exactly whether I looked like foreigner or Singaporeans were friendly)

I asked him about this Art house. He told me that there were no entry fees but visitors were not allowed to take pictures inside.

"Where're you come from?" 
"I came from Thailand" 

 I was extremely surprised and replied


I strolled around the place and went up the second floor just to found out that there was an installation in progress. So I decided to pick up some brochures and took off for my next stop.

I looked in my map again and walked to Victoria Concert Hall & Theatre. Unfortunately, I found out that It was permanently closed. I was disappionted in my destiny. I decided to take a break at Riverside, bought an ice-cream and watched people's lifestyle.

After the break, the rain started to sprinkle. So, I chose to go to Asian Civilisation Musuem for my next journey. The booking clerk is an Indian and his English accent was very hard to listen. I bought a ticket at foreign students price  50% discount from normally price.

Inside the museum was dark, cold, ancient and mysterious. I felt like I was staying in the cemetery because there was only a few people in there. The musuem has 3 floors and 9 galleries. There were many antique stuffs from various country throughout Asia like China, India, Sumatra etc.

Before the exit door, there was a zone where visitors could make their own craftings, so I had tried to do one of my own.

After spending 1 hour in the museum, the rain had stopped. I walked along the river to take pictures of statues and scenery.

 Then I crossed the Cavenagh Bridge to Fullerton Hotel. It was the most luxurious hotel that I had ever seen.

I walked into the hotel's basement to walk through the underground tunnel to go to Merlion park. When I came out from the tunnel, the first thing that I saw was the Marina Hotel. I stopped to take pictures for a short while and walked along the river to Merlion park.

Afterwards, something unexpected happened. The landmark of Singapore was in repairing! I gained nothing from Merlion park. So, I frustratedly came back to my dormitory. But poor me, huge rain had poured down again. With no other choice left, I had decided to ask a stranger for a way to the nearest MRT station and went back home.

 Ps. The rain continuously fall down for 3 days

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